Monday, June 21, 2010

My two emotional states: "tired" and "hot"

So. Tired. This is the worst case of the Monday's that I have ever experienced. And this may make me a bad person, but I usually also have the Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's AND Friday's... Just saying.

Enough on that; this weekend, i traveled to the quaint little town of Elizabethtown, Kentucky to sing with my parents. Other than being stuck in the back seat of a car for 3 hours (family bonding time, complete with stand-still traffic), it was a lot of fun. I sang soprano until my poor little vocal cords were ragged-which was about 5 or 6 measures in-and loved every minute of it.

In other news, work has been a real treat. There is a large international event coming up in a few weeks that has everyone running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. While I do get tickled on occasion watching everyone hop frantically about in a complete tissy, I have been doing my very best to stay on top of my intern-ly tasks and stay tucked in my cubical as much as possible. Today, however, I got shuffled around departments until i eventually ended up at a large conference table that was covered in envelopes and iteneraries...guess who got to put the iteneraries IN the envelopes? uh-huh. me (I was, however, slightly relieved to have something to do with my hands so that i wouldn't fall asleep on my desk and be asked to leave the premesis immediately). I'm sure that as the event closes in on everyone, my time will be filled with many more fun opportunities like the one today...can't wait..

Ok-i'm going to preface what i'm about to say by mentioning this; I am almost ALWAYS about to die of a heat stroke. I'm pretty sure that my body temperature is a solid 10-15 degrees warmer than that of a normal person. With that being said, i'm curious; exactly how necessary is it to raise the temperature in buildings AS the temperature rises outside? i'm sorry, but this goes against all logic in my mind. Now, i'm all about cutting energy costs and going green and hugging trees and all of that mess, but COME. ON. if it's hotter than 19 suns outside, it's in my professional opinion that the interior of buildings should be a blizzard. that goes for homes as well.. if i wanted to sleep in a sauna, i would renew my membership to the YMCA. Also; if i ever mention an outdoor party, cookout, wedding, etc. to be hosted OUTDOORS between the months of May and September, I give you complete permission to check me into the nearest mental institute, because i have probably lost my mind.

On that note, i hope that everyone has a fabulous evening!


  1. my wedding reception is gonna be outside... so maybe you can have fans sewn into your bridesmaid dress.

  2. that wasn't my mom that was me, but for some reason it wants me to be her...
